
It's really nice to be greeted when you come in and feel like you've been coming there for years. When in fact, I've only been in twice. Everyone is very friendly! Great staff! -David Hood, Jr, Newton, NC

From where I live- Parker Farm= 17 miles-- Killians= 50 miles. Parkers did not have time to wait on me. You folks did! Thanks! -Clair Bennett Jr, Shelby NC

The people go out of their way to help you any way they can. Very friendly! -Danny McNeely, Hickory NC

When we loaded my PECO Lawn Vac the warehouse employee was very helpful. I have been a customer of Killians for over 30 years. When I need parts, Killians has them. Thanks! -Troy Hatley, Lenoir NC

Shopped with company for years- Best there is! -Kathy Brady, Hickory NC

I would like to thank the service department for all they do. -Barry McLain, Hiddenite NC

Service and customer service to stand behind your products. -Kathy Sumpter, Hickory NC

Since the early 1960's my family has always shopped at Killians. My father purchased all supplies for masonry contract business, etc. -Theron Drum, Conover NC

Excellent service and follow-up when I had an issue with my Husqvarna lawn tractor. Would highly recommend. Thanks! -Chris Sain, Hickory NC

We arrived in your store at almost closing and we still got good customer service. -Charles Beaver, Lenoir NC